Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mission Statement of Stephen Payne


My Mission

My mission is to learn, teach and give.

I am a product more of my decisions and choices than of conditions.  I do not allow present circumstances or past conditioning to determine my responses to the challenges that I face.  

I choose to focus on the positive, to work within my circle of influence, to act directly on the things that I can do something about and so reduce my circle of concern.

I learn by studying the great works.

I learn from a wide variety of sources; from books, films, video and audio programs, from the Bible and Christian works; from examples, changemakers, gate keepers, teachers, and from all of life itself.

From all that I learn, I teach and give to those in need as much as I can.

I seek risks for I learn from them and I grow with each success--and also with each failure.

I do not let fear of failure discourage me for I believe that success is just failure turned inside out.  I bring interest, enthusiasm, curiosity, talent, and joy to all that I do..  

I am friendly and outgoing, always speaking first, putting my hand out to make everyone feel welcome.  

I am fair in all things, with the courage to do what is right balanced against the consideration of others.

I accept responsibility for my own actions, not blaming others or finding excuses.

I have deep respect for nature and I leave the world a better place each time I have the opportunity.

Through my belief in Christ, dedication to my mission, prayer and deep belief in what can be accomplished when we work together I make commitments to the principles and beliefs I hold.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46, verse 1.

Stephen J. Payne

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